Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Before starting the topic

Some facts:

Junk Food or Fast Food

Not suitable for Indian peoples….

I do not to make a comment on it…as so many people and children re addicted to it.

It is the part of modern life…or you will be labeled as backward.

Just do one experiment…take fast food for two consecutive day…and you will avoid it in future.

Use of sabudana

in various forms

like khichadi, khir or

in fried form on the day of religious fasting.

Who started this tradition?

Are such food is made for the day of fasting?

What is the nutritive value of it...


More than 90% of adult Indian population

is addicted to morning and evening tea.

If they don’t get tea they may suffer from

1.Headach 2.Drowsy 3.Lethargic 4.Restless

It has found that many young poppualtion is drinking a cup of tea ranges from three to twenty.

Children are getting addicted.

Chips and other like products

Bad for Stomach

Use of spicy fried number Commercial Products in number of variety are available in market.

Children are getting addicted to it.

Some one should come forward to analyze these product’s safety and also study hazardous effect on gastro intestinal tract and also on body.

Just see a snap showing ill effect on children’s oral hygiene.

The conditions is describe as Granulama…Gingivitis…Pus pocket or some more.


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