Which Diet is better - Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian?
This is the topic of Debate…
Argue with Pure vegetarian & win 
1. Eating in excess is prohibited:
(Saying): "Eat of the good things we have provided for your sustenance, but commit no excess therein, lest My Wrath should justly descend on you: and those on whom descends My Wrath do perish indeed."
Eating in excess is prohibited in Islam. This in itself is a preventive measure for several diseases.
2 Water should be purified and not prohibited if diseases can be transmitted
Several diseases can be transmitted through water such as I. Cholera II. Typhoid III. Para-Typhoid IV. Bacillary Dysentery V. Ameabiasis VI. GiardiasisVII. Round Worm VIII Thread Worm IX. Whipworm X. Viral hepatitis XI. Polio Myelitis XII. And several other
The solution for preventing these diseases is not to prohibit the drinking of water but to purify the water. Similarly eating non-vegetarian food should not be prohibited but proper preventive measures should be taken.
3 Non-Vegetarian foods is not the only cause of ischemic heart diseases
Increased fat and cholesterol in the diet leads to its depositions on the walls of the blood vessels causing ischemic heart disease IHD. Non-vegetarian food is rich in cholesterol but is not the only cause of IHD. There is several vegetarian foods such as ghee butter, cashew nut, groundnut, coconut, groundnut oil, coconut oil, which are rich in cholesterol, also cause ischemic heart diseases. The statement of Dr. Nemichand that no vegetarian food of any kind has cholesterol is a big hoax. Such deliberate statements are made by crusaders of vegetarianism to mislead the general public. Even the educated house wife is aware that ghee, coconut oil, groundnut oil are also the cause of IHD. No wonder brands such as saflola oil are advertised in the media that they are free from causes of heart diseases
4. Egg is rich in cholesterol but not the only thing responsible
Eggs are rich in cholesterol. Recent studies indicate that the chief villain in raising serum cholesterol is not the cholesterol in our diets but rather the saturated fats which are mainly found in the animal fat such as lard and butter, and in coconut oil, etc.
Research also shows that about 2/3rd of the population experiences only a small increase in blood cholesterol after consuming high levels of dietary cholesterol. In this cholesterol non-responder the liver compensates for increase in dietary cholesterol by cutting back on its own cholesterol production. As a result the total amount of cholesterol reaching the blood stream remains the same. Only if you are a cholesterol responder, you will have to restrict your egg yolk consumption. Others can easily have one or two eggs daily without any problem.
The real reason for the cause of IHD is the fried egg and bacon breakfast, which is very popular in America. It is not the cholesterol in the egg but the saturated fat in bacon and the bacon grease or butter that the eggs are fried in.
5 Alcohol and smoking is one of the major causes of IHD
Consumption of alcohol and tobacco, including smoking, all of which are vegetarian products are the major causes of IHD.
6 Obesity Is present in both Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians food.
It is false propaganda to say that obesity is mainly caused by non-vegetarian food. The cause of obesity is over eating a diet rich in fat. Thus, obesity is found both in vegetarians and non-vegetarians. It is commonly also seen that some pure vegetarians consume a lot of butter, ghee and oil, all of which are rich in fat.
7 Excessive meat eating causes cancer of colon
One of the causes for cancer of the colon is excessive eating of meat along with less intake of fibrous food. Fibers help in movement of food in the intestine. Cellulose present in vegetables cannot be digested in the human body due to tack of cellulose enzyme, which is present in all herbivorous animals. These undigested fibers help in the passage of food through the intestine and also prevents constipation.
The main cause of cancer of the colon is not the meat in the diet but lack of fibers to prevent cancer of colon. The diet need not be meat free but instead has to be rich in fibrous food. Another very important cause of cancer is consumption of alcohol chewing of tobacco and smoking cigarettes.
Along with the seventh day Adventists most of whom abstain from smoking and drinking alcohol, the incidence of cancer of colon was low, but the proportion was the same in vegetarians and non-vegetarians.
1. Hunger argument: Eliminating meat eating will drastically cut livestock pasture and that land can then be used for growing food. One acre of land can produce 40,000 pounds of potatoes but only 250 pounds of meat. Already, vast quantities of food that can feed humans are being fed to livestock. For example, of all the corn grown in the USA, the livestock consumes 80 per cent and humans only 20 per cent.
2. Environmental argument: Topsoil erosion, global warming, depleting rainforests and extinction of species may be halted if the majority of the world's population adopts a vegetarian diet. For instance, according to research statistics, 300 million pounds of beef is imported from Central and South America to cater to the USA. The economic incentive impels these nations to cut their rainforests to make way for more pastureland.
3. Natural resources argument: Raising livestock is an inefficient way of generating food. While 25 gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of wheat, 5,000 gallons are used to produce one pound of beef. Also, it takes 78 calories of fossil fuel to produce one calorie of beef but only 2 calories for one calorie of soybean.
4. Antibiotics argument: A large amount of antibiotics are fed to livestock to control staphylococci. These are only partially effective, as the bacteria are becoming increasingly immune to them. Both the antibiotics and the bacteria they were intended to destroy are still in the meat when it goes to the market.
5. Cancer: Death rates from cancer are about only one-half to three-quarters in a vegetarian population as compared to the meat-eating populace. Instances of breast and colon cancer are higher in non-vegetarians. This is due to their diet that has a high fat content but is low in fiber. Natural sugars in dairy products increase the risk of ovarian cancer in women. Conversely, the intake of plant pigment beta-carotene, higher among vegetarians, prevents lung cancer. Vegetarians also have more of 'natural killer cells' to fight cancer cells.
6. Calcium loss: A high intake of animal protein causes an excessive excretion of calcium through the urine, thereby encouraging the loss of calcium from bones, which in turn increases the risk of developing osteoporosis, kidney and gallbladder stones.