Sunday, March 28, 2010

No kind of prohibition on eating non-vegetarian food

No kind of prohibition on eating non-vegetarian food and all misconceptions have been clarified

1. I have refuted and clarified all the misconceptions of the so-called possible reasons and arguments for the prohibition of Non-vegetarian food for a human being.

Who has a right to put a prohibition on food habits of human beings? In Islam it is Creator Almighty God. Non-Muslim may add the government for the welfare of its people or an authentic medical health organization based on established scientific medical facts.

2 No major religion's prohibition:

All the major religions of the world permit the consumption of lawful non-vegetarian food in general and cattle in particular. There is no prohibition from a single major religion of the world on eating non-vegetarian food.

3 No government has prohibited non-vegetarian.

I do not know of a single government out of the hundreds of countries in the world irrespective of their beliefs, race, caste, creed they may belong to has ever prohibited non-vegetarian food in general.

4 No authentic medical health organization has prohibited non-vegetarian

I do not know of a single authentic medical health organization, which has banned all non-vegetarian food in general due to, established scientific. Medical facts. I do not base my conclusions done by crusaders of vegetarianism.

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