Sunday, March 28, 2010

History of change in Diet Pattern

History of change in Diet Pattern since ancient days…in Short


Vegetarian Naturalism has consistently been of the view that man's 'original diet' was plant-based. Palaeoanthropologists tell us that man embarked upon his evolutionary journey as an insectivorous primate over sixty million years ago. A few million years down the line and he had graduated to a largely herbivorous-cum-frugivorous (fruit-based) diet.

Homo erectus (the erect man) had to adapt himself to the onset of the glacial age and the consequent thinning of the Savannah 9,00,000 years ago by alternating between animal and plant foods. For Homo erectus to Cro-Magnon man, consuming animals became a way of coping with the vagaries of the earth's environment that was constantly in flux.

During the Ice Ages, the last of which was from 25,000 to 15,000 BC, vegetation all but disappeared, forcing man to hunt large mammals like mammoths, bison and caribou to survive. He was also a nomad, constantly moving in pursuit of animal herds. The Agricultural Revolution in the Neolithic Age (circa 10,000 BC) not only brought about a settled lifestyle but also made cereals and cultivable vegetation the main source of nourishment. Many animals, now domesticated, had become valuable for activities other than consumption. The plant vs. animal ratio in man's food reached a high of 90:10 at this time.

As is obvious from the evidence of evolution, adaptability to natural circumstances has been the hallmark of humankind. It has always been a matter of survival, and not that of culinary taste, that drove animalistic man to an 'omnivorous' diet. Plant-based foods have always been his first and instinctive preference. The proof for this is inbuilt in our bodies in the form of our quasi-herbivoric digestive system.

Table showing change in food habits -

over sixty million years ago

insectivorous primate

A few million years down the line

herbivorous-cum-frugivorous (fruit-based) diet

Homo erectus (the erect man)

9,00,000 years ago

alternating between animal and plant foods

Homo erectus to Cro-Magnon man

consuming animals became a way of coping with the vagaries of the earth's environment

During the Ice Ages

25,000 to 15,000 BC

vegetation all but disappeared, forcing man to hunt large mammals like mammoths, bison and caribou to survive

Agricultural Revolution in the Neolithic Age

10,000 BC

The plant vs. animal ratio in man's food reached a high of 90:10

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