Sunday, March 28, 2010



Some arguments collected

Does Vegetarian or Non vegetarian Diet affects Behavioral condition?

1. Non vegetarian foods make the person violent

The Food You Eat Has an Effect on Your Behavior Science tells us that whatever one eats has an effect on behavior. Thus, the non-vegetarians eat animal flesh and behave violent and ferocious like the animals.

Only eating of the herbivorous animal is allowed I agree that, what a person eats has an effect on his behavior. Perhaps that is the reason why Islam Prohibits the eating of carnivorous animals likes lion, tiger, leopard, etc. The consumption of the meat of such animals would probably make a person violent and ferocious. Islam only allows the eating of herbivorous animals like cow, goat, sheep, etc. that are peaceful and docile

2 Non-vegetarians are more social and less violent

There were a group of students, which were only fed on non-vegetarian. Diet and another group of students were fed with pure vegetarian food. It was found that the group of students who were fed with non-vegetarian food was more social and less violent

NOBLE prize winners for peace were non-vegetarian

The ideological vegetarian to prove their point that vegetarianism makes a person peaceful quote names like Mahatma Gandhi, failing to realize that most of the Noble-Prize winners for peace in this century were Non-vegetarians. Like Yasser Arafat1 Anwar Saadat, vitzah Rabin, Menachin Begin, Mother Teresa, etc.

Hitler was a vegetarian

Who was the person who had massacred and killed the maximum number of human beings in the world in the history of mankind? It was Adolph Hitler, who killed '6 million' Jews. Who was he? He was a vegetarian. (?)

3. Non-vegetarians are more intelligent

Ideological vegetarians claim that vegetarian diet makes a person more intelligent. In fact animal behavioral scientists have noted that to survive, meat eating predators must outsmart their vegetarian prey. However, all such theories and research break down because of the difficulty of defining intelligence.

Most of The Noble Prize Winners Were Non-Veg. Ideological vegetarians, to prove their point that vegetarian diet enlightens the mind and makes a person intelligent, give a list of names of philosophers and scientists who were supposedly vegetarian like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Aristotle, Mahavir, etc. failing to realize that a list of greater scientists and philosophers who were non-vegetarian can be readily given. Almost all the latest scientific developments have been made by westerners, most of whom are non-vegetarian. Jesus Christ (PBUH) and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were non-vegetarian. More than 90% of the Noble Prize winners are non-vegetarian.

4 Vegetarianism doesn't make a person strong

Giving isolated unheard examples of a few vegetarians who were in the Indian army and were strong (e.g. Yadunath Singh Naik) and then quoting unauthentic research that vegetarians are more energetic and strong is one of the most unscientific ways of proving a point, which way convince an ideological vegetarian, but certainly not a logical person. Almost all the winners of the world wrestling competition are non-vegetarian. All the people who got the title of Mr. Universe for bodybuilding are non-vegetarians. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the famous body builder who won 13 World titles, 7 Mr. Olympia, 5 Mr. Universe and 1 Mr. World is a Non-vegetarian.

5 Vegetarianism doesn’t make a person an athlete

The crusaders of vegetarianism further give unheard examples such as one successful athlete unheard of by the name Sardar Paramajit Singh who was a vegetarian. Almost all athletes who hold world records are non-vegetarians. Carl Lewis is a non-vegetarian.

6 carnivorous animals have strong sense of smell and good night vision unlike herbivorous animals and human beings

Crusaders of vegetarianism argue that carnivorous animals have strong sense of smell and good night vision but human beings are like herbivorous animals, who do not have strong sense of smell and vision. I agree that most of the carnivorous animals have strong sense of smell and vision but the reason is because such animals hunt their own food while growing up unlike human beings. It is totally wrong to say that none of the herbivorous creatures have strong sense of smell and vision. Bees have a very strong sense of smell and vision.

7 Sound of carnivorous animals is hoarse unlike the herbivorous animals and human beings

Ideological vegetarians give illogical comparisons to prove their point of view and argue that the sounds of carnivorous animals are very hoarse unlike those of herbivorous animals and human beings. They try to put forth a point that vegetarian diet makes the voice melodious. Which animal is known maximum for its hoarse voice? It is general knowledge that it is the donkey and the donkey is an herbivorous animal.

Who is most well known for a melodious voice in India? - Lata Mangeshkar. Is she a vegetarian or a Non-Vegetarian? NON-VEGETARIAN!

Muhammad Rafi was a Non-Vegetarian.

Who is the most famous singer in the world even today? Late Michael Jackson … who is a Non-Vegetarian. (Though most of us may not find him melodious)

By no way am I trying to prove that a non-vegetarian diet makes a person's voice melodious. I am only disproving the illogical arguments put forth by crusaders of vegetarianism.

8. Most of the world record holders are non-vegetarian:

If you analyze the dietary history of world record holders and after conceding maximum benefit of doubt to the vegetarians, yet we will find that more than 90% of the world record holders will be non-vegetarians. There may be a few records which may be related to the diet of a person but I would be considered a fanatic non-vegetarian if I were to say that all these records was won by them because they are Non-Vegetarians.

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