Sunday, March 28, 2010

Anatomy & Physiology

Think by angle of Anatomy & Physiology


  1. Humans Have Omnivorous Set of Teeth: If you observe, the set of teeth that herbivorous animals (who only eat vegetation) like cow, goat, sheep, etc. have set of flat teeth that is suited for an herbivorous diet. On the other hand, the set of teeth that the carnivorous animals like lion, tiger. Leopard etc. who only eat flesh of other animals have is of pointed type suited for a carnivorous diet. The set of teeth that human beings have consisted of (molars) flat teeth as well as (canine) pointed teeth. We have molars as well as canine teeth.

  1. The flat molars are used for chewing and are more required for a vegetarian diet, while the pointed canine teeth are more useful for eating and biting meat. If our creator, Almighty God, wanted us to have only vegetables then why did He provide us with pointed canine teeth? It is logical that He expects us to have both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food.

  1. Pointed teeth in human beings are like dog's and not like monkey's

  1. Some ideological vegetarians argue that the shame teeth in man's mouth are not like the teeth of dog but are like the teeth of apes and monkeys who are vegetarian. However let us remind them that the shame pointed teeth of the human beings are called 'canine' teeth. Canine is derived from the Latin world 'caninus' which means dog. Canine literally means of a dog or belonging to the family of canidae including dogs, wolves, foxes, etc.

5. Even if we were to agree that pointed teeth of humans are like teeth of apes and monkeys, Let us point out also that all apes and monkey are not vegetarian-many species even eat meat.

6 Human beings can digest both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food: The digestive system of the herbivorous animals can only digest. Vegetarian food, the digestive system of the carnivorous animal can only digest meat, and not vegetarian food. But the digestive system of human beings can digest both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. If Almighty God wanted us to have only vegetarian food then why did he give us a digestive system, which can digest both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food?

Arguments favoring that human beings can also digest non-vegetarian food:

(a) Human beings cannot digest raw meat like carnivorous animals

Normally human beings do not have raw meat but they cook their meat to soften it for easy digestion.

(b) Human being cannot digest certain raw vegetables and pulses

Similarly human beings cannot digest certain raw vegetarian food unless cooked like rice, wheat, moong, drumstick, etc which can easily be digested raw by herbivorous animals.

Just because human beings normally do not digest raw meat, does not make meat eating prohibited for us. Similarly, should several raw vegetarian foods that cannot be digested raw by human beings be prohibited?

(c) Eskimo literally means eaters of raw flesh

There are certain human beings like Eskimos who live in the arctic region, and eat raw flesh. Eskimos literally means eaters of raw flesh.

(d) Human digestive juice doesn't contain cellulose enzyme like the herbivorous animals

The digestive juice of the human being does not contain cellulose enzyme like the herbivorous animals. Most vegetables contain cellulose which is not digested in the human intestine it consumed raw.

(e) Human digestive juice contains enzyme to digest non-veg.

There are certain enzymes present in the digestive juices of the human beings which are specifically used to digest non-vegetarian food e.g. trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, etc.

7 The diet of the primitive man was mainly non-vegetarian. The Australian aborigines also eat non-vegetarian food.

8. Human intestine is like the intestine of herbivorous animals

The human intestines are long, elastic and capable of pushing food ahead like the intestines of the herbivorous animals. It is unlike the intestine of the carnivorous animals, which are short and straight and their food transition time is lesser.

9. Since vegetables require longer intestine for digestion and absorption as compared to non-vegetarian food and since man is omnivorous, to digest non-vegetarian food and vegetarian food, the human intestine has to be long.

10 Liver and kidney of human beings is like herbivorous animals - It is smaller than that of carnivorous animals

11 HCL content in the gastric juice in human being is less as compared to carnivorous animal because HCL is needed to provide acetic media for the protein digestive enzyme, which are pepsin, trypsin, and chymotrypsin. Different animals have different HCL content depending upon the amount of flesh eaten. Similarly the HGL content of the human being is appropriate to digest the amount of meat eaten and also considering the fact that the meat is cooked

12. Blood Ph of human beings and herbivorous animals are alkaline

Similarly the blood PH of the human being is alkaline.

13Blood Lipo Protein in human being and herbivorous animal is same

14 Saliva of carnivores are more acidic than that of the human beings

15 Human beings like herbivorous animals have skin pores and well developed salivary gland.

Quite plainly, our digestive system is unfit for a carnivorous diet. We have teeth like blades and grinders meant for chewing plant food. There are no claws to tear flesh. The tongue is soft and the saliva, blood and stomach are alkaline to digest starches and carbohydrates, unlike carnivores who have acidic saliva to act on meat. Human intestines are long (26 feet) and convoluted—a feature diametrically opposed to carnivore intestines, which are smooth to allow easy passage to digested flesh.

Carnivorous foods in herbivorous intestines spell disaster as the flesh might get trapped in the bowel pouches and putrefy. Smaller human livers are also unable to metabolize the large amounts of uric acid produced during meat digestion and, as a result, the uric acid ends up getting deposited in the joints leading to the onset of arthritis.

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