Sunday, March 28, 2010

Balanced Diet

Balanced Diet

It is widely believed that a vegetarian diet cannot provide adequate calories, but it is untrue. Balanced vegetarian diet can give adequate calories quite easily.

Food may be divided into groups on the basis of the nutrient supplied:

Carbohydrates (energy) e.g. rice, sugar, honey etc.

Protein (building blocks) e.g. eggs, meat, fish, pulses, milk, nuts etc.

Vitamins and minerals e.g. fruits and vegetables.

Fat (energy and insulation) e.g. oils, nuts, red meats etc.

Diet & Nutrition

Diet & Nutrition

What is nutritious food and a well-balanced diet?

Nutritious food is one that contains all the essential nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

A well balanced diet should contain all these in correct proportions and adequate amounts. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates provide the energy required for various activities. Vitamins and minerals do not supply energy but play an important role in the regulation of several essential metabolic processes in the body.

Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian?

Which Diet is better –?

Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian?

There are 5 different types of vegetarians.

1. Those who don't eat meat of some animals (eg., Beef or meat of rabbit etc.) or some organs (eg. Brain)

2. Those who eat only fish and dairy products

3. Those who don't eat meat or fish but will eat eggs and drink milk. These are the most common type of vegetarians.

4. Those who do not eat meat or any animal product.

5. There are a few who do not eat anything but fruits.

What is a Vegetarian Diet?

Vegetarian Diet

What is a Vegetarian Diet?

A vegetarian diet is broadly defined as a diet excluding animal products such as meat, poultry and fish. However, there is no single vegetarian eating pattern.

A lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet – which is the most popular – is based on grains,

vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts, dairy products and eggs, but contains no meat, fish or poultry .

A vegan diet, which is similar to the lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet but also excludes dairy products, eggs and other animal products, is one of the most restrictive vegetarian


Lack of consistency in the word “vegetarian” has led to the suggestion that it be replaced with the term “plant-based”. However, this term may be inappropriate given that a plant-based diet can still contain animal products

History of change in Diet Pattern

History of change in Diet Pattern since ancient days…in Short


Vegetarian Naturalism has consistently been of the view that man's 'original diet' was plant-based. Palaeoanthropologists tell us that man embarked upon his evolutionary journey as an insectivorous primate over sixty million years ago. A few million years down the line and he had graduated to a largely herbivorous-cum-frugivorous (fruit-based) diet.

Homo erectus (the erect man) had to adapt himself to the onset of the glacial age and the consequent thinning of the Savannah 9,00,000 years ago by alternating between animal and plant foods. For Homo erectus to Cro-Magnon man, consuming animals became a way of coping with the vagaries of the earth's environment that was constantly in flux.

During the Ice Ages, the last of which was from 25,000 to 15,000 BC, vegetation all but disappeared, forcing man to hunt large mammals like mammoths, bison and caribou to survive. He was also a nomad, constantly moving in pursuit of animal herds. The Agricultural Revolution in the Neolithic Age (circa 10,000 BC) not only brought about a settled lifestyle but also made cereals and cultivable vegetation the main source of nourishment. Many animals, now domesticated, had become valuable for activities other than consumption. The plant vs. animal ratio in man's food reached a high of 90:10 at this time.

As is obvious from the evidence of evolution, adaptability to natural circumstances has been the hallmark of humankind. It has always been a matter of survival, and not that of culinary taste, that drove animalistic man to an 'omnivorous' diet. Plant-based foods have always been his first and instinctive preference. The proof for this is inbuilt in our bodies in the form of our quasi-herbivoric digestive system.

Table showing change in food habits -

over sixty million years ago

insectivorous primate

A few million years down the line

herbivorous-cum-frugivorous (fruit-based) diet

Homo erectus (the erect man)

9,00,000 years ago

alternating between animal and plant foods

Homo erectus to Cro-Magnon man

consuming animals became a way of coping with the vagaries of the earth's environment

During the Ice Ages

25,000 to 15,000 BC

vegetation all but disappeared, forcing man to hunt large mammals like mammoths, bison and caribou to survive

Agricultural Revolution in the Neolithic Age

10,000 BC

The plant vs. animal ratio in man's food reached a high of 90:10

Anatomy & Physiology

Think by angle of Anatomy & Physiology


  1. Humans Have Omnivorous Set of Teeth: If you observe, the set of teeth that herbivorous animals (who only eat vegetation) like cow, goat, sheep, etc. have set of flat teeth that is suited for an herbivorous diet. On the other hand, the set of teeth that the carnivorous animals like lion, tiger. Leopard etc. who only eat flesh of other animals have is of pointed type suited for a carnivorous diet. The set of teeth that human beings have consisted of (molars) flat teeth as well as (canine) pointed teeth. We have molars as well as canine teeth.

  1. The flat molars are used for chewing and are more required for a vegetarian diet, while the pointed canine teeth are more useful for eating and biting meat. If our creator, Almighty God, wanted us to have only vegetables then why did He provide us with pointed canine teeth? It is logical that He expects us to have both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food.

  1. Pointed teeth in human beings are like dog's and not like monkey's

  1. Some ideological vegetarians argue that the shame teeth in man's mouth are not like the teeth of dog but are like the teeth of apes and monkeys who are vegetarian. However let us remind them that the shame pointed teeth of the human beings are called 'canine' teeth. Canine is derived from the Latin world 'caninus' which means dog. Canine literally means of a dog or belonging to the family of canidae including dogs, wolves, foxes, etc.

5. Even if we were to agree that pointed teeth of humans are like teeth of apes and monkeys, Let us point out also that all apes and monkey are not vegetarian-many species even eat meat.

6 Human beings can digest both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food: The digestive system of the herbivorous animals can only digest. Vegetarian food, the digestive system of the carnivorous animal can only digest meat, and not vegetarian food. But the digestive system of human beings can digest both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. If Almighty God wanted us to have only vegetarian food then why did he give us a digestive system, which can digest both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food?

Arguments favoring that human beings can also digest non-vegetarian food:

(a) Human beings cannot digest raw meat like carnivorous animals

Normally human beings do not have raw meat but they cook their meat to soften it for easy digestion.

(b) Human being cannot digest certain raw vegetables and pulses

Similarly human beings cannot digest certain raw vegetarian food unless cooked like rice, wheat, moong, drumstick, etc which can easily be digested raw by herbivorous animals.

Just because human beings normally do not digest raw meat, does not make meat eating prohibited for us. Similarly, should several raw vegetarian foods that cannot be digested raw by human beings be prohibited?

(c) Eskimo literally means eaters of raw flesh

There are certain human beings like Eskimos who live in the arctic region, and eat raw flesh. Eskimos literally means eaters of raw flesh.

(d) Human digestive juice doesn't contain cellulose enzyme like the herbivorous animals

The digestive juice of the human being does not contain cellulose enzyme like the herbivorous animals. Most vegetables contain cellulose which is not digested in the human intestine it consumed raw.

(e) Human digestive juice contains enzyme to digest non-veg.

There are certain enzymes present in the digestive juices of the human beings which are specifically used to digest non-vegetarian food e.g. trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, etc.

7 The diet of the primitive man was mainly non-vegetarian. The Australian aborigines also eat non-vegetarian food.

8. Human intestine is like the intestine of herbivorous animals

The human intestines are long, elastic and capable of pushing food ahead like the intestines of the herbivorous animals. It is unlike the intestine of the carnivorous animals, which are short and straight and their food transition time is lesser.

9. Since vegetables require longer intestine for digestion and absorption as compared to non-vegetarian food and since man is omnivorous, to digest non-vegetarian food and vegetarian food, the human intestine has to be long.

10 Liver and kidney of human beings is like herbivorous animals - It is smaller than that of carnivorous animals

11 HCL content in the gastric juice in human being is less as compared to carnivorous animal because HCL is needed to provide acetic media for the protein digestive enzyme, which are pepsin, trypsin, and chymotrypsin. Different animals have different HCL content depending upon the amount of flesh eaten. Similarly the HGL content of the human being is appropriate to digest the amount of meat eaten and also considering the fact that the meat is cooked

12. Blood Ph of human beings and herbivorous animals are alkaline

Similarly the blood PH of the human being is alkaline.

13Blood Lipo Protein in human being and herbivorous animal is same

14 Saliva of carnivores are more acidic than that of the human beings

15 Human beings like herbivorous animals have skin pores and well developed salivary gland.

Quite plainly, our digestive system is unfit for a carnivorous diet. We have teeth like blades and grinders meant for chewing plant food. There are no claws to tear flesh. The tongue is soft and the saliva, blood and stomach are alkaline to digest starches and carbohydrates, unlike carnivores who have acidic saliva to act on meat. Human intestines are long (26 feet) and convoluted—a feature diametrically opposed to carnivore intestines, which are smooth to allow easy passage to digested flesh.

Carnivorous foods in herbivorous intestines spell disaster as the flesh might get trapped in the bowel pouches and putrefy. Smaller human livers are also unable to metabolize the large amounts of uric acid produced during meat digestion and, as a result, the uric acid ends up getting deposited in the joints leading to the onset of arthritis.



Non Veg Diet

1 Protein of Non-veg. is of higher Quality

Protein is broken in the body into amino acid and there are 22 known types of amino acid, out of which 14 are non-essential, which are manufactured naturally in the body while 8 are essential amino acids, which cannot be manufactured naturally within the body and must be obtained from our food.

Protein of animal origin is biologically complete protein or higher quality protein since they contain all the 8 essential amino acids required by the human bodies.

The protein from vegetable sources is biologically incomplete protein as they lack one or more of the 8 essential amino acids.

However, this deficiency in protein can be controlled even by a pure vegetarian diet but care should be taken that different vegetarian food should be mixed in the correct proportion to fulfill the need of all the amino acid. Many Indians who obtain their proteins from cereals and pulses have deficiency of methionenine (the essential amino acids are leucine, iisoleucine ratine, lysine, tryptophan, threonine, methionine and phenyhalanine.)

2. All Essential Fatty Acids Present in Meat

Similarly there are essential fatty acids i.e. poly unsaturated fatty acids which are not synthesized in the body and have to be provided in the food. Meat contains all the essential fatty acids but no Single Veg source contains all the essential fatty acids. (Essential fatty acids are linoleic acid, linolenic acid and arachidonic acid.)

3 Non-Vegetarian food contains Haem-Iron

There are 2 forms of dietary iron: Haem iron which is present in animal products and Non-Haem iron which is present in foods of animal and plant origin. Haem iron is much better absorbed than the non Haem iron.

4 Vegetarian food is deficient in vitamin B 12

Vegetarian food is deficient in vitamin B 12. Vitamin B 12 deficiency normally is more due to defect of absorption and rarely due to dietary reason. Though dietary deficiency of vitamin B 12 is rare, it is serious and observed mainly in vegetarians.

5 Deficiency of Zinc in Vegetarian Food

Vegetarian food is deficient in Zinc. Meat is an important source of dietary Zinc. However, certain vegetarian food like pumpkin is rich in zinc.

6. Iodine abundant in seafood and negligible in Vegetarian Food.

Iodine, which is important for producing thyroid hormones, is present in abundant quantity in seafood and present in poor to negligible quantity in vegetarian food.

7. Carbohydrates and Vitamin C Not Present In Non-Vegetarian Food'

Carbohydrates and vitamin C are not present in non-vegetarian food but abundant in vegetarian food and fruits which are also eaten by Non-Vegetarians. This, fulfills the requirements of non-vegetarian, since they do not place unnecessary restrictions on their dietary habits

8 Egg is a nutrient - dense food

Eggs have very high nutritive value

I. One large egg provides about 6 grams of proteins about half of which is in the egg white. The white of the egg is an ideal protein - the one by which all others are measured because it contains all the amino acids needed for human nutrition and offers them in the proper balance it.

ii. Eggs are a significant source of iron, riboflavin, foliate and vitamin B12, D and E. Eggs are one of the very few foods that supply vitamin D. Just about the only nutrient not found in an egg is vitamin C.

iii. Eggs are easily digested, making them valuable dietary component for people who are ill or convalescing.

iv. Of the 5 grams of fat in a large egg, more that half is unsaturated that does not raise blood cholesterol level.

v. Eggs don't provide an abundance of any one nutrient but offer substantial amount of a wide variety, thus eggs are called as nutrient-dense food. It means that they provide relatively high proportion of essential nutrients while supplying only a relatively small number of calories that is about 70 calories for a large egg.

Nutritive values of Veg

Nutritive values of Veg

1. It should be clear that the healthiness of the vegetarian diet mainly arises from the gross unhealthiness and toxicity of the non-vegetarian diet.

2. Even a vegan diet can easily meet the recommended daily amount of protein. A variety of simple vegetable dishes contain as much protein as meat dishes: a cup of potatoes already contains 7 grams of protein, while a cup of cooked beans contains 15 grams. And because vegetable dishes offer a far lower fat-to-protein ratio than meat dishes, vegetable dishes are more nutritious in protein.

3 .Next consider the case of iron. The vegetarian diet (including the vegan diet) provides a sufficient amount of iron, for many vegetable sources such as spinach and tomatoes are rich in iron.

4. Finally, consider the case of vitamins B/12 and D. While it is true that plant sources do not provide either vitamin, vegetarians can easily meet their daily recommended amount. Lacto-ovo vegetarians can obtain these from their consumption of milk and egg products. Vegans can obtain vitamin D from soy milk and vitamin B/12 from tempeh (a fermented soy product). Moreover, vitamin D is synthesized by the human body in the presence of sunlight, so the vegetarian can meet his daily requirement by having a short walk in the sun. Similarly, Vitamin B/12 is synthesized by microbes living in the human body. Finally, the worried vegan can always purchase vitamin supplements.

Vegetables & Fruits reduces risk H.D.

Vegetables & Fruits reduces risk H.D.

Hyperlipidemia is a major risk factor in etiology of cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have shown association between vegetarian diet and low total serum cholesterol as well as LDL-cholesterol which is a pointer to low risk of cardiovascular disease.

Dietary fiber, antioxidants and other classes of nutrients have been reported to ameliorate cardiovascular risk factors.

Fruits and vegetables being rich sources of fiber and antioxidants have been the focus in intervention studies.

Veg Diet Superior

Veg Diet Superior

According to the new developments in medical sciences, vegetarian diet is closer to and is more useful for human nature. It is more scientific for human body. Because of this, people are now adopting vegetarian diet as part of new life-style. It is a fact that the non-vegetarian diet contains cholesterol and saturated fatty acid. These are the root cause of problems like coronary heart disease, cerebro-vascular accidents (strokes), eye diseases and high blood pressure.

In a non-vegetarian diet, only 60 % of its content is useful for human body, rest 40 % contains harmful and toxic products. In addition to it, non-vegetarian diet is generally heavy for stomach and produces acidity, which in turn can cause many diseases of gastrointestinal system.

Another significantly important difference between vegetarian and non-vegetarian diet is that the former contains dietary fibers whereas non-vegetarian diet is lacking in fiber. These dietary fibers are very useful for human body because it has been observed that the people who eat diet rich in these dietary fibers have low incidence of diseases like coronary heart diseases, cancer of intestinal tract, piles, obesity, diabetes, constipation, hiatus hernia, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, dental caries and gallstones. The food stuffs rich in these dietary fibers are cereals and grains, legumes, fruits with seeds, citrus fruits, carrot, cabbage, celery, green leafy vegetables, apples, melons, peaches, pears etc.

Many disease causing organisms can travel in the body of human being by consumption of non-vegetarian diet and can produce serious diseases, whereas a vegetarian diet is free of these. For example, Bovine Spongi cause Encephalopathy and mad cow disease is also a product of consumption of non-vegetarian diet. Similarly the bacteria known as salmonella typhimurium can travel in the body of human being by consumption of eggs, which can cause diseases, like pneumonia, bronchitis. These bacteria belong to the group of typhoid disease producing organisms.

Medical reason-

Medical reasons

Medical reason-


Be a vegetarian

The Health Reason

1. Medical studies prove that a vegetarian diet is easier to digest, provides a wider ranger of nutrients and imposes fewer burdens and impurities on the body.

2. Vegetarians are less susceptible to all the major diseases that afflict contemporary humanity, and thus live longer, healthier, more productive lives. They have fewer physical complaints, less frequent visits to the doctor, fewer dental problems and smaller medical bills. Their immune system is stronger, their bodies are purer, more refined and skin more beautiful.

3.Non-vegetarian diet contains cholesterol saturated fatty acids that are the root cause of diseases as coronary heart problems, cerebro-vascular accidents (strokes), eye disorders & high blood pressure. With only about 60% of its contents useful for human body, the rest 40% contains harmful toxins. In addition, such diet is usually heavy for the stomach and produces acidity, which in turn can cause problems in the gastrointestinal system.

4.Another significantly important difference between the two is that fruits & vegetables (cereals & grains, legumes, seedy fruits, citrus fruits, carrot, cabbage, celery, green leafy vegetables, apples, melons,

Peaches, pears etc.) Are rich in dietary fibers that reduce incidence of coronary heart diseases, cancer of intestinal tract, piles, obesity, diabetes, constipation, hiatus hernia, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, dental caries and gallstones.

Also many disease causing organisms are transmitted through and thrive in animal protein – serious ailments as Encephalopathy and Mad Cow diseases are caused by Bovine Spongi. Similarly the Salmonella Typhimurium bacteria can be passed on through consumed eggs, causing diseases like pneumonia, bronchitis and typhoid.

5. Another significantly important difference between vegetarian and non-vegetarian diet is that the former contains dietary fibers whereas non-vegetarian diet is lacking in fiber. These dietary fibers are very useful for human body because it has been observed that the people who eat diet rich in these dietary fibers have low incidence of diseases like coronary heart diseases, cancer of intestinal tract, piles, obesity, diabetes, constipation, hiatus hernia, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, dental caries and gallstones. The food stuffs rich in these dietary fibers are cereals and grains, legumes, fruits with seeds, citrus fruits, carrot, cabbage, celery, green leafy vegetables, apples, melons, peaches, pears etc.



Some arguments collected

Does Vegetarian or Non vegetarian Diet affects Behavioral condition?

1. Non vegetarian foods make the person violent

The Food You Eat Has an Effect on Your Behavior Science tells us that whatever one eats has an effect on behavior. Thus, the non-vegetarians eat animal flesh and behave violent and ferocious like the animals.

Only eating of the herbivorous animal is allowed I agree that, what a person eats has an effect on his behavior. Perhaps that is the reason why Islam Prohibits the eating of carnivorous animals likes lion, tiger, leopard, etc. The consumption of the meat of such animals would probably make a person violent and ferocious. Islam only allows the eating of herbivorous animals like cow, goat, sheep, etc. that are peaceful and docile

2 Non-vegetarians are more social and less violent

There were a group of students, which were only fed on non-vegetarian. Diet and another group of students were fed with pure vegetarian food. It was found that the group of students who were fed with non-vegetarian food was more social and less violent

NOBLE prize winners for peace were non-vegetarian

The ideological vegetarian to prove their point that vegetarianism makes a person peaceful quote names like Mahatma Gandhi, failing to realize that most of the Noble-Prize winners for peace in this century were Non-vegetarians. Like Yasser Arafat1 Anwar Saadat, vitzah Rabin, Menachin Begin, Mother Teresa, etc.

Hitler was a vegetarian

Who was the person who had massacred and killed the maximum number of human beings in the world in the history of mankind? It was Adolph Hitler, who killed '6 million' Jews. Who was he? He was a vegetarian. (?)

3. Non-vegetarians are more intelligent

Ideological vegetarians claim that vegetarian diet makes a person more intelligent. In fact animal behavioral scientists have noted that to survive, meat eating predators must outsmart their vegetarian prey. However, all such theories and research break down because of the difficulty of defining intelligence.

Most of The Noble Prize Winners Were Non-Veg. Ideological vegetarians, to prove their point that vegetarian diet enlightens the mind and makes a person intelligent, give a list of names of philosophers and scientists who were supposedly vegetarian like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Aristotle, Mahavir, etc. failing to realize that a list of greater scientists and philosophers who were non-vegetarian can be readily given. Almost all the latest scientific developments have been made by westerners, most of whom are non-vegetarian. Jesus Christ (PBUH) and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were non-vegetarian. More than 90% of the Noble Prize winners are non-vegetarian.

4 Vegetarianism doesn't make a person strong

Giving isolated unheard examples of a few vegetarians who were in the Indian army and were strong (e.g. Yadunath Singh Naik) and then quoting unauthentic research that vegetarians are more energetic and strong is one of the most unscientific ways of proving a point, which way convince an ideological vegetarian, but certainly not a logical person. Almost all the winners of the world wrestling competition are non-vegetarian. All the people who got the title of Mr. Universe for bodybuilding are non-vegetarians. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the famous body builder who won 13 World titles, 7 Mr. Olympia, 5 Mr. Universe and 1 Mr. World is a Non-vegetarian.

5 Vegetarianism doesn’t make a person an athlete

The crusaders of vegetarianism further give unheard examples such as one successful athlete unheard of by the name Sardar Paramajit Singh who was a vegetarian. Almost all athletes who hold world records are non-vegetarians. Carl Lewis is a non-vegetarian.

6 carnivorous animals have strong sense of smell and good night vision unlike herbivorous animals and human beings

Crusaders of vegetarianism argue that carnivorous animals have strong sense of smell and good night vision but human beings are like herbivorous animals, who do not have strong sense of smell and vision. I agree that most of the carnivorous animals have strong sense of smell and vision but the reason is because such animals hunt their own food while growing up unlike human beings. It is totally wrong to say that none of the herbivorous creatures have strong sense of smell and vision. Bees have a very strong sense of smell and vision.

7 Sound of carnivorous animals is hoarse unlike the herbivorous animals and human beings

Ideological vegetarians give illogical comparisons to prove their point of view and argue that the sounds of carnivorous animals are very hoarse unlike those of herbivorous animals and human beings. They try to put forth a point that vegetarian diet makes the voice melodious. Which animal is known maximum for its hoarse voice? It is general knowledge that it is the donkey and the donkey is an herbivorous animal.

Who is most well known for a melodious voice in India? - Lata Mangeshkar. Is she a vegetarian or a Non-Vegetarian? NON-VEGETARIAN!

Muhammad Rafi was a Non-Vegetarian.

Who is the most famous singer in the world even today? Late Michael Jackson … who is a Non-Vegetarian. (Though most of us may not find him melodious)

By no way am I trying to prove that a non-vegetarian diet makes a person's voice melodious. I am only disproving the illogical arguments put forth by crusaders of vegetarianism.

8. Most of the world record holders are non-vegetarian:

If you analyze the dietary history of world record holders and after conceding maximum benefit of doubt to the vegetarians, yet we will find that more than 90% of the world record holders will be non-vegetarians. There may be a few records which may be related to the diet of a person but I would be considered a fanatic non-vegetarian if I were to say that all these records was won by them because they are Non-Vegetarians.

Which Diet is better

Which Diet is better -  

Which Diet is better

Which Diet is better - Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian?

This is the topic of Debate…

Argue with Pure vegetarian & win

1. Eating in excess is prohibited:

(Saying): "Eat of the good things we have provided for your sustenance, but commit no excess therein, lest My Wrath should justly descend on you: and those on whom descends My Wrath do perish indeed."

Eating in excess is prohibited in Islam. This in itself is a preventive measure for several diseases.

2 Water should be purified and not prohibited if diseases can be transmitted

Several diseases can be transmitted through water such as I. Cholera II. Typhoid III. Para-Typhoid IV. Bacillary Dysentery V. Ameabiasis VI. GiardiasisVII. Round Worm VIII Thread Worm IX. Whipworm X. Viral hepatitis XI. Polio Myelitis XII. And several other

The solution for preventing these diseases is not to prohibit the drinking of water but to purify the water. Similarly eating non-vegetarian food should not be prohibited but proper preventive measures should be taken.

3 Non-Vegetarian foods is not the only cause of ischemic heart diseases

Increased fat and cholesterol in the diet leads to its depositions on the walls of the blood vessels causing ischemic heart disease IHD. Non-vegetarian food is rich in cholesterol but is not the only cause of IHD. There is several vegetarian foods such as ghee butter, cashew nut, groundnut, coconut, groundnut oil, coconut oil, which are rich in cholesterol, also cause ischemic heart diseases. The statement of Dr. Nemichand that no vegetarian food of any kind has cholesterol is a big hoax. Such deliberate statements are made by crusaders of vegetarianism to mislead the general public. Even the educated house wife is aware that ghee, coconut oil, groundnut oil are also the cause of IHD. No wonder brands such as saflola oil are advertised in the media that they are free from causes of heart diseases

4. Egg is rich in cholesterol but not the only thing responsible

Eggs are rich in cholesterol. Recent studies indicate that the chief villain in raising serum cholesterol is not the cholesterol in our diets but rather the saturated fats which are mainly found in the animal fat such as lard and butter, and in coconut oil, etc.

Research also shows that about 2/3rd of the population experiences only a small increase in blood cholesterol after consuming high levels of dietary cholesterol. In this cholesterol non-responder the liver compensates for increase in dietary cholesterol by cutting back on its own cholesterol production. As a result the total amount of cholesterol reaching the blood stream remains the same. Only if you are a cholesterol responder, you will have to restrict your egg yolk consumption. Others can easily have one or two eggs daily without any problem.

The real reason for the cause of IHD is the fried egg and bacon breakfast, which is very popular in America. It is not the cholesterol in the egg but the saturated fat in bacon and the bacon grease or butter that the eggs are fried in.

5 Alcohol and smoking is one of the major causes of IHD

Consumption of alcohol and tobacco, including smoking, all of which are vegetarian products are the major causes of IHD.

6 Obesity Is present in both Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians food.

It is false propaganda to say that obesity is mainly caused by non-vegetarian food. The cause of obesity is over eating a diet rich in fat. Thus, obesity is found both in vegetarians and non-vegetarians. It is commonly also seen that some pure vegetarians consume a lot of butter, ghee and oil, all of which are rich in fat.

7 Excessive meat eating causes cancer of colon

One of the causes for cancer of the colon is excessive eating of meat along with less intake of fibrous food. Fibers help in movement of food in the intestine. Cellulose present in vegetables cannot be digested in the human body due to tack of cellulose enzyme, which is present in all herbivorous animals. These undigested fibers help in the passage of food through the intestine and also prevents constipation.

The main cause of cancer of the colon is not the meat in the diet but lack of fibers to prevent cancer of colon. The diet need not be meat free but instead has to be rich in fibrous food. Another very important cause of cancer is consumption of alcohol chewing of tobacco and smoking cigarettes.

Along with the seventh day Adventists most of whom abstain from smoking and drinking alcohol, the incidence of cancer of colon was low, but the proportion was the same in vegetarians and non-vegetarians.



1. Hunger argument: Eliminating meat eating will drastically cut livestock pasture and that land can then be used for growing food. One acre of land can produce 40,000 pounds of potatoes but only 250 pounds of meat. Already, vast quantities of food that can feed humans are being fed to livestock. For example, of all the corn grown in the USA, the livestock consumes 80 per cent and humans only 20 per cent.

2. Environmental argument: Topsoil erosion, global warming, depleting rainforests and extinction of species may be halted if the majority of the world's population adopts a vegetarian diet. For instance, according to research statistics, 300 million pounds of beef is imported from Central and South America to cater to the USA. The economic incentive impels these nations to cut their rainforests to make way for more pastureland.

3. Natural resources argument: Raising livestock is an inefficient way of generating food. While 25 gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of wheat, 5,000 gallons are used to produce one pound of beef. Also, it takes 78 calories of fossil fuel to produce one calorie of beef but only 2 calories for one calorie of soybean.

4. Antibiotics argument: A large amount of antibiotics are fed to livestock to control staphylococci. These are only partially effective, as the bacteria are becoming increasingly immune to them. Both the antibiotics and the bacteria they were intended to destroy are still in the meat when it goes to the market.

5. Cancer: Death rates from cancer are about only one-half to three-quarters in a vegetarian population as compared to the meat-eating populace. Instances of breast and colon cancer are higher in non-vegetarians. This is due to their diet that has a high fat content but is low in fiber. Natural sugars in dairy products increase the risk of ovarian cancer in women. Conversely, the intake of plant pigment beta-carotene, higher among vegetarians, prevents lung cancer. Vegetarians also have more of 'natural killer cells' to fight cancer cells.

6. Calcium loss: A high intake of animal protein causes an excessive excretion of calcium through the urine, thereby encouraging the loss of calcium from bones, which in turn increases the risk of developing osteoporosis, kidney and gallbladder stones.

Here are some good reason to be a vegeterian...

Here are some good reasons to be a vegetarian.

1. Personal well-being- No disease can come from a balanced vegetarian diet. Medical proof states that all kinds of diseases can spring from meat-eating, while having a vegetarian diet can not only prevent, but help cure many diseases. Our body constitution is also not designed for meat digestion. For example, our teeth and intestine structure are virtually identical to that of herbivorous, not carnivorous animals. Eating animals which die in great fear and hatred, we devour along their toxins of fear and hatred, which affects both our spiritual and physical health.

2. Well-being of animals- Animals live imprisoned and tortured lives before the final horror of being slaughtered. While alive, they suffer from overcrowding, castration and countless other cruelties.

3. Well-being of the environment- Animal-rearing depletes the Earth’s resources of energy, land, crops and water. It also creates large amounts of harmful animal sewage and greenhouse gases...

4. Well-being of fellow humans- More than two-thirds of the Earth’s cropland is used for cultivating animal feed for animals to be slaughtered as meat. No human starvation would exist if animal rearing for the rich meat-consumers was lessened, converting the crops as food for citizens of the Third World Countries.

5. Peace on Earth- Wars, racial riots and other forms of related human unrest are collective karmic results of generated hatred when group-slaughtered animals, which die in great fear and hatred, are reborn as humans.

“For hundreds of thousands of years the stew in the pot has brewed hatred and resentment that is difficult to stop. If you wish to know why there are disasters of armies and weapons in the world, listen to the piteous cries from the slaughterhouse at midnight.”

-Ancient Chinese Verse translated by Gold Mountain Monastery Staff

6. All beings have at one point or another been reborn as our kin. The practice of vegetarianism is thus the practice of filial piety. It is the practice of the Loving-kindness, Compassion and Equanimity to all beings, recognizing that they have Buddha Nature (the potential to become Buddhas) like us.

Diabetes & Veg diet

Diabetes & Veg diet

Hanging to a vegetarian diet probably won't cure your diabetes. But it may offer some benefits over a nonvegetarian diet. This, of course, depends on the type of vegetarian diet you choose and the particular food choices you make when following the diet.

There's no single vegetarian eating plan. A vegan diet is the strictest form of vegetarian diets. Vegans eat no animal meat and no foods that come from animals, such as dairy products and eggs. Other types of vegetarian diets may allow dairy products and eggs.

A strict vegan diet is cholesterol-free and generally low in saturated fat. Vegetarian diets that include generous amounts of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes are high in fiber and photochemical. Vegetarian diets often are lower in calories than are nonvegetarian diets. All of these factors benefit people with diabetes.

Significant weight loss resulting from a vegetarian diet can improve type 2 diabetes in people who are obese. But this is also true of similar weight loss from a nonvegetarian diet. Some research indicates that a vegetarian diet makes your body more responsive to insulin — which is a very good thing if you have diabetes.

Although a vegetarian diet may not cure diabetes, it could reduce your risk of diabetes-associated complications such as cardiovascular disease and kidney disease. But again, this depends on the specific food choices you make.

If you have diabetes, talk to a dietitian before switching to a vegetarian diet. A dietitian can help you create an eating plan that provides all the needed nutrients and the right number of calories to maintain a healthy weight


personalized diet

The various benefits of personalized diet are:

  • Better digestion, metabolism and elimination
  • Improved sleep, concentration and memory
  • Strong immune system
  • Controlled weight

Better health

No kind of prohibition on eating non-vegetarian food

No kind of prohibition on eating non-vegetarian food and all misconceptions have been clarified

1. I have refuted and clarified all the misconceptions of the so-called possible reasons and arguments for the prohibition of Non-vegetarian food for a human being.

Who has a right to put a prohibition on food habits of human beings? In Islam it is Creator Almighty God. Non-Muslim may add the government for the welfare of its people or an authentic medical health organization based on established scientific medical facts.

2 No major religion's prohibition:

All the major religions of the world permit the consumption of lawful non-vegetarian food in general and cattle in particular. There is no prohibition from a single major religion of the world on eating non-vegetarian food.

3 No government has prohibited non-vegetarian.

I do not know of a single government out of the hundreds of countries in the world irrespective of their beliefs, race, caste, creed they may belong to has ever prohibited non-vegetarian food in general.

4 No authentic medical health organization has prohibited non-vegetarian

I do not know of a single authentic medical health organization, which has banned all non-vegetarian food in general due to, established scientific. Medical facts. I do not base my conclusions done by crusaders of vegetarianism.

General Health

General Health Considerations

The lacto-vegetarians in India are not a particularly "healthy" group. They tend to develop huge bellies. One reason could be that they actually eat very little vegetables, feed mainly on grains and pulses.

Grains are not a natural source of nourishment for Man. In fact grains are products of civilization, developed from grass. The human body is not designed by nature to eat grass or grain.

An Indian doctor did much research on the subject and showed that many allergies common in India vanished when all grains were eliminated from the food! There is no evidence that vegetarian food is healthier than a balanced non-vegetarian diet. A vegetarian diet has also to be balanced to be healthy!

Geographical View...


Geographical location and surrounding environment influences the food habits of human beings.

1 People living in the coastal regions of India e.g. Konkani’s eat more fish

2 South-Indians are basically rice eaters.

Does Hinduism consider vegetarianism better?

Does Hinduism consider vegetarianism better?

No. The concept of vegetarianism is recent (less than 2000 years old). The historical accounts recorded in the Ramayana, Mahabharata and the Puranas depict people as non-vegetarian. Hinduism accepts the law of nature that one life is the food for another. However, Hinduism accepts that just as the mind affects the body (you want to lift your hand and your body does it); the body also affects the mind.

The food eaten affects the organization and type of thoughts. For example, eating stolen food has been found to make the mind morally weak. Similarly, different types of food cause different effects in the mind. Non-vegetarian diet has been found to cause a condition called "rajotamas" - a mixture of delusion and hyperactivity. This is an undesirable condition for aspirants of God.

A vegetarian diet aids control of the mind and religious study. For this reason, modern Hinduism advises a vegetarian diet to most spiritual aspirants.

Ahinsa, the law of noninjury, is the Hindu's first duty in fulfilling religious obligations to God and God's creation as defined by Vedic scripture.


Then Don't Read This…
1. Most of the human beings, if not throughout the world then at least in India choose their food habit based on their religion.

2. At the outset I want to make it amply clear, that while I will prove undoubtedly that Non-Vegetarian food is permitted for a human being, I have no intention of hurting any person's religious sentiment. While I go about logically and scientifically proving that Non-Vegetarian food is permitted for a human being, if someone’s sentiments are hurt because he is an ideological vegetarian. I sincerely apologize for the same.

(a) Eating Non-Veg is not compulsory in Islam
It is not compulsory in Islam for a Muslim to have non-vegetarian diet. A person can be a very good Muslim by being a pure vegetarian.
(b) All Major Religions permit Non-Vegetarian food:
Most of the major religions of the world permit human beings to have non-vegetarian food.
Some Hindus think that it is against their religion to have non-vegetarian food but the fact is that the Hindu scriptures permit a person to have meat the scripture mentions sages and saints having meat. Hindu scriptures clearly mention that there is nothing wrong in having meat.
Buddha was pure vegetarian
he never made it
Another reason why the Buddha never made vegetarianism a compulsory rule is His understanding that the living and karmic conditions of different people are different. For example, it would be downright impossible for all Tibetan Buddhists to have vegetarian diets when Tibet can hardly grow vegetables

some items in foods are banned in Jainism.

For example - brinjal,onoion,garlic...

jain food is special food known in India...

Guidelines for Vegetarians...

Guidelines for Vegetarians –

Foods fortified with vitamin B12 is an important vitamin for non-meat-eaters. It is available in dairy products, but there are several B12 fortified foods which are worth buying, including: yeast extracts, vegetable stocks, vegetable burger mixes, Soya milks, margarines, breakfast cereals and herbal soft drinks.

Grains + Legumes = complete protein

The human body needs what is called 'complete' protein.

This 'complete' protein is only found in certain foods: i.e. meat, poultry, fish, eggs and cheese.

Guidelines For Elder or Older People...

Guidelines For Elder or Older People...

1. Proteins provide the essential Amino acids and the amount of Protein in the diet is an important measure of the adequacy and quality of the diet. The recommended allowance is one gm. per kg. Body weight.

In the elderly, upto 12 -14% of the total calories should be from proteins. But, due to decreased appetite and poor digestion, the elderly tend to consume less protein.

2. How much of fat is allowed in the diet of the elderly?

Fat is a concentrated source of energy. It adds palatability to food. The diet should contain 30 - 40 gms. of fat and half of it should be in the form of vegetable oil, rich in essential fatty acids. A diet with high content of saturated fatty acids (Ghee, Butter, Coconut oil, unrefined oils) tends to increase the level of cholesterol in the blood.

3. Are Carbohydrates necessary in an Elder's diet?

The body needs Carbohydrate because it cannot make it for itself from other nutrients. So, it should be not less than 100 gms per day.

4. What are the most important minerals needed for good health?

Calcium is very essential for an average elderly person. As people become older, the bones become dematerialized. This is called Osteoporosis. So Calcium intake should be not less than 400 mg per day.

Iron deficiency leads to Anemia. So the diet of the elderly should contain sufficient amount of iron. Greens are rich in iron, cheaper than other vegetables and available easily most of the time. The recommended daily allowance is 30 mg. per day.

5. What are the Vitamins needed by the human body?

Vitamins are involved in the utilization of major nutrients like protein, carbohydrate and fat in the body. They cannot be made in adequate quantities by the human body. So, they have to be present in the food that we eat. They are: Vitamin A, D, E, K, C (ascorbic acid) and Vit B Complex (Thiamin -B1, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pyridoxine-B6, Biotin, Foliate, Cobalamins- B12)

6. How important is it for the elderly to drink plenty of water? The elderly do not recognize the need to maintain the volume of water excreted. The fluid intake should be at least 1.5 - 2 lts per day in a normal elderly person.

7. How important is Roughage or Dietary fiber in the diet for the elderly? The elderly require sufficient fiber or roughage in their diet to avoid constipation.

8. Try to avoid "fast foods" that contain a lot of fat.



Controversial Points...

Controversial Points –

1. Recent remarks by certain animal lovers in the national press branding milk as non-vegetarian has made traditional vegetarians see red. This is because a bulk of Indian vegetarians follow a 'lacto vegetarian' diet, that is, they consume milk products of animals while abstaining from their flesh.

The rationale on which the anti-milk propaganda is based ranges from the lack of the milk-digesting enzyme (lactase) in 80 per cent of adult humans to the cruelty inflicted on cows by the dairy industry. Milch cows are constantly kept pregnant and injected twice a day with oxytocin, a hormone that causes uterine contractions akin to labor pains. Most live only a fraction of their normal life span of 20 years and are literally milked to death.

2. Those who hold up health benefits as the reason to consume milk are in for a shock. Not only is milk responsible for blocking the absorption of iron, only 30 per cent of the calcium it contains is absorbable by the human body. In other words, milk may be chock-full of calcium but as it cannot be easily assimilated, it ends up as kidney stones.

3. Weight-watchers beware! Milk is the fat-food to shun, for it is meant to increase the calf's body-weight up to four times within a month. Instead, soy milk is an ideal substitute, rich as it is in proteins and vitamins. It has 50 per cent protein by weight compared to cow milk protein, which has only 3 per cent.

4. You may be a non-vegetarian without knowing it! It is shocking but true. If you are serious about turning vegetarian, avoid consuming the following products or check up on the ingredients with the manufacturer.

Silver Foil (Varak): normally used on Indian sweets, fruits and paan, it is made by beating silver sheets between fresh cow and buffalo intestines while they are still warm. Microscopic examinations show fragments of intestines embedded in the foil.

Ice Cream: It often has nondairy fats. Commercial ice cream does not use milk but the blubber from slaughterhouse waste products like cattle udders, noses and anuses.

Biscuits: They are quite likely to contain animal fats.

Bread: Most large producers use vegetable based emulsifiers but local bakers may not. Some bakers may grease the tins with animal fat.

Gelatin: It is a gelling agent derived from animal ligaments, skins, tendons, bones and other body parts. Alternatives such as agar agar, carrageen and gelozone exist.

Medicine capsules: Usually made from gelatin, vegetarian alternatives are coming into the market.

Cheese: It is likely to have been produced using animal rennet. Rennet is made of the stomach acids of a calf obtained by slitting open its stomach while still alive. Vegetarian cheeses use microbial or fungal enzymes. The Indian brand, Amul is vegetarian.

Chewing gum: It often contains glycerin.

Toothpaste: Most brands contain glycerin.

5. How many strict vegetarians wear shoes or gloves or coats or watch-straps, or have cases or furniture made of genuine leather, but object to killing for food?

6. If one truly practices vegetarianism for the sake of ahimsa, he should avoid ALL animal products! Even stop stringing his violin with catgut!




Vegetarian or non-vegetarian, the decision depends on various factors such as cultural or dietary habits of the family, personal preference, taste and avoidance of certain foods for health reasons. Whatever the case, a well-balanced diet supplying proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals should be taken.



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